Hoosier Hill Farm Goat Milk Powder 1 lb. Jar- 100 percent Pure No Additives- Hormone and Antibiotic Free- Batch tested Gluten Free- and Non-GMO

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Now: $36.94
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Hoosier Hill Farm Goat milk powder makes a sweet, creamy and nutritious beverage. Our 100% full cream goat milk powder is a natural alternative to those sensitive to cow's milk.

While fresh goat milk and fresh cow milk have comparable flavor and nutrient content, goat milk has smaller size fat particles which produce a smaller and softer curd in the stomach.

Small, soft curds are more rapidly broken down by stomach enzymes which make goat milk more easily digestible. It is not uncommon for people who have trouble with cow milk to successfully switch to goat milk.

Goat milk contains significantly higher levels of short and medium-chain fatty acids than cow milk. It is suggested that these fatty acids are more rapidly digested, provide quick energy for the body and are associated with a variety of other health benefits. Goat milk (like all natural milk) does contain lactose, but many people who react poorly to lactose don't have the same problem with goat milk