Hersheys Kisses Seasonal Valentines Day Chocolate Candy Variety Pack - Lava Cake Meltaway Roses Conversation and Sugar Cookie - 38 oz Total - Bulk Seasonal Valentines Day Hersheys Chocolate Kisses

Was: $82.90
Now: $41.45
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Valentine's Day is right around the corner, which means it's time to stock up on some tasty Valentine's Day Chocolate. In this Hershey Kisses Sampler Pack, you will get Lava Cake (9 oz), Meltaway Roses (9 oz), Conversation (11 oz), and Sugar Cookie (9 oz). Each bag is 9 - 11 oz making a grand total of 39 oz. Each Kiss is individually wrapped in their classic foil, so you can put these in candy bowls or have them out for parties. Stock up while you can, as these are limited edition, and will only be around for a limited time.