Hellbound? Blu-Ray

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Product Description Does hell exist? If so, who goes there, and why? Which version of hell is correct: eternal conscious torment, annihilationism, or universalism? And why, when someone suggests all people might be saved, do other people get so hot and bothered? Featuring theologians, an atheist or two, heavy metal musicians, and all sorts of other commentators, this documentary seeks to plumb the depths of this hellish debate. About the Director Kevin Miller is an award-winning filmmaker who has applied his craft to documentaries, feature films and short film projects. Recent credits include Hellbound?, spOILed, Sex+Money, With God On Our Side, No Saints for Sinners, and Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. Kevin's work has taken him to over a dozen countries across five continents. In addition to making films, Kevin teaches screenwriting at a number of film schools and conferences across North America and around the world. Kevin lives in Abbotsford, BC with his wife and four children. Review With all those superheroes, vampires and Kardashians running around, the pop-culture radar doesn't have a lot of space left over for theological debates. Which is a bit strange if you think about it, since the U.S. is supposed to be one of the most religious countries in the world, with more than three-quarters of the population identifying as Christian. Enter first-time filmmaker Kevin Miller, who challenges those 247 million Americans to put their movie going money where their Sunday-morning mouths are with Hellbound? Not to be confused with the Hellraiser sequel, it's an engaging, accessible documentary that explores the (truly) eternal questions, Does hell exist? If so, who ends up there, and why? Miller (who is actually from Canada) adds fuel to a smoldering corner of the culture wars, which flared up last year with the publication of the book Love Wins. Written by the influential evangelical pastor Rob Bell, it challenged the notion of hell as a place of eternal suffering and suggested that God's grace might just be expansive enough to grant salvation to all, not just the elect few. Miller positions himself as a neutral interlocutor, giving a full hearing to many perspectives. In addition to conservative and progressive evangelicals, he interviews Catholic and Orthodox theologians, an atheist, an exorcist and the founder of HollywoodJesus.com. He even chats up some