Helix Life Support The Pond Digger Liquid Beneficial Bacteria 8oz

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Now: $52.44
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The Pond Digger Brand Liquid Beneficial Bacteria is the most concentrated probiotic supplement available in its class with over 1.5 billion colony-forming units per ounce! An excellent all-around bacteria, and extremely easy to apply, this bacteria blend is perfect for new ponds or just regular pond maintenance. The microbes in this liquid blend are designed to eliminate ammonia, reduce sludge and fish waste, and improve overall water quality and clarity. While many bacteria blends are good for regular pond maintenance, this product is especially useful for reducing ammonia -- whether you are establishing a new pond, re-establishing a pond after major work or spring pond care, or simply dealing with a large population of fish. Perfect for temporary housing tanks for fish (if the pond is being worked on), as they are often overpopulated. Use 1 ounce per 1000 gallons -- monthly to maintain a healthy, pristine pond or weekly in an overstocked pond.