Grey Sea Salt Sel Gris From Guerande Brittany France 1 lb

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Now: $38.14
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Grey Sea Salt, Sel Gris is an all natural sea salt from Guerande in Brittany France. Unprocessed, unrefined, unadulterated. This salt is unlike any you/'ve ever tasted, it highlights food flavors. That is the simple and delicious truth. In Brittany near the town of Guerande are marshes and low lying areas suitable for salt fields. There is a mini climate that is much milder that the rest of Brittany. The currents of the Atlantic run cleaner there than many salt harvesting locations. This confluence of nature makes for an ideal area for a salt farm region. Guerande has no peer in Europe for the quality of salt produced. The salt fields of Guerande are long and narrow so that an artisan paludier (craftsman salt harvester) can sweep the top of the evaporating sea water to harvest the precious sel gris de Guerande (hand harvested salt with a grey cast). The taste of Grey Sea Salt, Sel Gris is the complex balance of the sea and her minerals with large grey crystals, a moist texture. It is excellent for seasoning meats and vegetables. You'll join professional chefs worldwide in singing its praises. 1 lb. bag Resealable plastic.