Green Piece Aller Solution - Allergy Relief - Dust Mite Spray - Asthma Relief for Humans - Pet Dander Allergen Spray

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Now: $33.83
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Green Piece Aller Solution - Reducing Allergens, One Spray At A Time Green Piece’s Aller Solution anti-allergy spray will help you keep allergens away. The product is created to help allergy sufferers by neutralizing the allergens caused by mold, pollen, dust mites, mildew, and pets, making them benign for the allergy sufferers. It is an easy-to-use anti allergies solution that comes in a concentrate form that needs to be mixed with tap water to get activated. Spray it on a variety of surfaces like upholstery, pet beddings, carpets, fabrics, and vehicles, to keep the allergens away. It is safe to be used on pet- beddings. The formula is conscientiously created to break down the protein-based allergens and then digest the remaining parts. It causes the allergens to be deactivated, making them fail in bonding with the human body's antibodies, thereby failing the histamine response, commonly termed as the 'allergic reaction.'