Greatest Hits Volume 2

Was: $88.40
Now: $44.20
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Adding to cart… The item has been added The latter part of the '70s found Ronstadt roughing up her image a bit, covering songs by the Rolling Stones and Warren Zevon and eventually taking inspiration from the burgeoning punk and new-wave scenes. All of this was a long way away from the laid-back country-rock sound that established her as one of the top female artists of the day. On the material collected here, Ronstadt remains as strong a singles artist as ever. Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 contains winners such as "It's So Easy," "Blue Bayou," and the Chuck Berry romp "Living in the U.S.A.," as well as edgier material such as the Stones' "Tumbling Dice" and Zevon's "Poor Poor Pitiful Me." --Daniel Durchholz Product Description Linda Ronstadt is one of music's most enduring and versatile artists. Spanning '76 to '80, this second collection of her top songs features eleven timeless recordings including "It's So Easy," "Blue Bayou," and "How Do I Make You."