Gracefully Yours Get Well Greeting Cards Featuring Sue Dion 12 4 Designs3 Each with Scripture Message

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Bring a really cheer and wishes to get well with our be well Greeting cards. Card a- full art of Poppies. Interior may it comfort you to know that you are in his care. Hope you feel better soon. With scripture- be still and know that I AM God. Psalm 46: 10. Card B full art of Orange Poppies. Interior Wishing you brighter days ahead. Get well soon! with scripture but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40: 31. Card C full art of Poppies. Interior hope every day finds you better than the day before. Get well soon! with scripture: the Lord is gracious and full of compassion. Psalm 145: 8.Card D full art of Lilly interior be good to yourself....relax, unplug, and put the whole world on hold. Because now it's about feeling better and better each day. Get well soon. With scripture: he shall lift you up. James 4: 10