Golden Artifacts Cleopatra Brutus Marcus Aurelius 3 Roman Coins Collectible Coin Sets Unique Gift Roman Empire -3ROME-S-

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Mark Antony and Cleopatra Most Famous Romance 34 B.C. Size 19 mm. OBVERSE: Portrait of Cleopatra, REGINAE REGVM FILIORVM REGVM, her diad. REVERSE: ANTONI ARMENIA DEVICTA, his head right, Armenian tiara behind. Brutus One of the most famous Roman coins of all time is the EID MAR denarius issued by Marcus Junius Brutus in 43/42 BC. Size: 18.1 mm. OBVERSE: Portrait of Marcus Brutus. The inscription reads BRVT IMP L PLAET CEST, which means Brutus, Imperator, Lucius Plaetorius Cestianus. Lucius Plaetorius Cestianus was the moneyer who managed the mint that produced the coin. REVERSE: Two daggers and a liberty cap with the inscription EID MAR, which means “eidibus Martiis” or “the ides of March”. Marcus Aurelius Philosopher King Size: 18 mm. OBVERSE: Marcus Aurelius’ laureated head, M ANTONINVS AVG GERM SARM. REVERSE: Elephant walking, MVNIPICENTIA AVG, COS III C