Global Healing Ginseng Fuzion Organic Raw Herbal Extract - Liquid Supplement Drop Promotes Energy and Reduces Stress Anxiety - Korean Panax Siberian Maca Ashwagandha Shilajit Root - 2 Fl Oz

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Now: $54.90
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Ginseng Fuzion is an enhanced Raw Herbal Extract blend of Panax ginseng and other powerful adaptogenic herbs that promote energy, reduce stress, and encourage overall physical and mental balance. With Ginseng Fuzion, you can shake off fatigue and handle stress with ease. For centuries, ginseng has been known as a tonic that strengthens the body and boosts its resistance to fatigue. Its natural balancing powers provide energy without stimulants or jitters. A Mayo Clinic study showed that ginseng helps to stimulate physical and mental activity, especially in people who are weak and tired. Boost Your Health Today with Ginseng Fuzion!