Gintama season2 vol.11 DVD

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A hit in the DVD series!! Fan Vote Jacket Visual Popular (Vol. 8 is an endless double bokeh combination of angry waves! Gin-san and Ichiban Captain Sougo Okita is now on sale! ) Story During the cabaret passengers, Madao (like a dull daunt), Hasegawa was severely affected by the temple. The inino of the nurse who heals him after many misfortunes was a devotively nursing. Hasegawa who wants to express your appreciation until you leave the hospital, but he realized that Mr. Ino has been funny for the last few days. It seems to be in love with someone in your patient. After the cooperation of the Gintoki, who became hospital in the same hospital room due to food poisoning, Hasegawa is excited to bring out the love of Mr. Inino. 4 episodes (90 "Scary when you hit the delicious things" 91 "Move If You Want To Do Not Eat You" 92 "Become a Person Than Looking At The Cons of a People" 93 "It's a Hero") Staff & Cast Original work: Karachi, English Autumn Animation Production: Sunrise Director: Shinji Takamatsu. Performance: Chikazu Sugida, Riie Nagomiya Copy Right (C) Hidaku Kuchi / Shueisha, TV Tokyo, Dentsu, Sunrise. Please note that jacket photos, product specifications, video bonuses and first-run limited edition bonuses may change without prior notice.