Giant Sequoia Live Tree Seedling Medium The Jonsteen Company

Was: $101.70
Now: $50.85
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Giant Sequoias are our planet’s most massive living things; their size and majesty are awe-inspiring and utterly without equal in the plant kingdom. Visiting an old growth stand of Giant Sequoias is like walking among mighty columns supporting the cathedral of the skies. Indeed, no tree species in the world has sparked as much interest, reverence, and awe as the Giant Sequoia (a.k.a. Sierra Redwood or Big Tree). It's been called the "monarch of all conifers," "godlike giant of the Golden Age," and the "climax of American vegetation." Ancient Giant Sequoias climb to heights of around 300 feet, and have massive, cinnamon-red trunks nearly 40 feet in diameter. These "vast structures of antiquity" have life-spans of more than 3,000 years, longer than any tree except the Bristlecone Pine. A hardy species, Giant Sequoias can grow in a surprisingly wide range of climates. The Giant Sequoia is a mountain tree, growing at up to 9,000 feet in elevation. It is native exclusively to a very limited range along the western slopes of the Sierra-Nevada mountains in central California, where winters are cold and snowy and summers are hot and dry. Despite its limited natural range, the Giant Sequoia is a highly adaptable species. It is both cold hardy and heat tolerant, and can grow almost anywhere in the United States. About Jonsteen’s Seedlings: All of our trees are seed-grown — without poison or pesticides — at our nursery on California’s Redwood Coast, which is inspected monthly and licensed by the California Department of Agriculture. About Jonsteen’s 100% Guarantee: All of our trees are guaranteed to arrive healthy and in good condition. If your tree perishes, we will replace it with a small-sized seedling for just the cost of shipping/handling ($4.60). We encourage all customers experiencing difficulties growing their trees to contact us through our toll-free "Tree Help Line" (1-888-387-3379).