Gentle Bees Pure Beeswax 2 Ounces (Bowstring Wax, Candle Wax, Craft Wax, and DIY Wax)

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Now: $22.95
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This beeswax is 100% pure, smells like honey, and produced by honeybees in Texas. The production of beeswax is essential to the bee colony. It is used to construct the combs in which the bees raise their brood and into which they keep pollen and surplus honey for the winter. Worker bees, which live only around 35 days in the summer, develop special wax-producing glands on their abdomens (inner sides of the sternites of abdominal segments 4 to 7) and are most efficient at wax production during the 10th through the 16th days of their lives. From about day 18 until the end of its life, a bee's wax glands steadily decline. Bees consume honey (6-8 pounds of honey are consumed to produce a pound of wax) causing the special wax-producing glands to covert the sugar into wax which is extruded through small pores. The wax appears as small flakes on the bees' abdomen. At this point the flakes are essentially transparent and only become white after being chewed. It is in the mastication process that salivary secretions are added to the wax to help soften it. This also accounts for its change in color. The exact process of how a bee transfers the wax scales from its abdomen to its mandibles was a mystery for years. It's now understood to be processed in either of two ways. Most of the activities in the hive are cooperative so it should be no surprise that other worker bees are willing to remove the wax scales from their neighbors and then chew them. The other method is for the same bee extruding the wax to process her own wax scales. This is done using one hind leg to move a wax scale to the first pair of legs (forelegs). A foreleg then makes the final transfer to the mandibles where it is masticated, and then applied to the comb being constructed or repaired. Beeswax becomes soft and very pliable if the temperature is too high (beeswax melts arou