Garam Masala indian Spice Blend 1.5 Ounce

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Garam Masala translated to English means 'hot spice blend.' The 'hot' doesn't necessarily refer to the heat of the spice, instead it alludes to the fact that the primary spices that constitute the blend are toasted (heated), then ground. The proportions of the ingredient spices differ from one household to another, based on personal preferences, but the spice is used in a large number of dishes, ranging from meat curries to vegetable preparations. Many of the spices used in garam masala are more familiar in the West as spices for desserts or baking: cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, and mace for example. The addition of other spices may include black and/or green cardamom, bay leaves, cumin, coriander, fennel, and possibly kalonji. The spices in this particular blend are coriander, cumin, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, fennel and black peppercorns.