The breadboard is designed for the solderless experiment of electronic circuits because there are many small jacks on the board. Since various electronic components can be inserted or removed as needed, the welding is eliminated, theassembly time of the circuit is saved, and the components can be reused, so it is very suitable for assembly, debugging and training of electronic circuits.
630 tie-point ic-circuit area plus 2x100 tie-point distribution strips providing 4 power rails
Whiteplastic, with black legend. Colored power rails
Forwires 21 to 26 AWG
2-sidedpeelable adhesive tape
BoardMaterial: White ABS plastic with black legend.
InternalContacts Material: Phosphor bronze finished.
BoardBase: Self-Adhesive Tape
830 Points breadboard size: 6.5 x 2.1 x 0.3 inch/ 165 x 55 x 9 mm
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