Fruit Seeds Orange Tree Seeds Dwarf Washington Navel Grow Indoors or Outdoors Non - GMO Easy to Grow Home Garden Plant - 30 Seeds

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Now: $33.75
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1 SOW THE SEED Sow the seed into a container filled with seed-raising mix (available in bags from garden centres or hardware stores). Seeds can be sown in a small (10cm) pot with one seed per pot. Moisten the mix before sowing the seed then gently push the seed about 5mm deep into the mix and cover it over. After sowing, water the pots with a seaweed solution (follow application rates on the container). 2. KEEP IT WARM Keep the pots warm either in a glasshouse or place them in a foam box covered with a sheet of glass or plastic to form a mini glasshouse. Keep the box in a warm well-lit spot but not in direct sunlight. 3. KEEP MOIST Mist the seed-raising mix so it doesn't dry out (it should be moist but not soaked). Water gently using a rose attachment on a watering can or hose once the shoot appears. Germination normally takes around seven to 10 days. 4. ALLOW TO GROW When the seedling is about 5cm high, water with a dilute liquid plant food. Repeat the fertiliser application every 14 days during the warmer months of the year (follow directions on container). At this stage, if the weather is warm, the pot can be moved into a sheltered but sunny spot. Outside it will need extra water as it will dry out more quickly than in the sheltered glasshouse.