Chia seeds were staples in both Aztec and Mayan societies. Their, nutty flavor and ease of preparation are still popular today. Chia seeds can be eaten as they are - they do not require being crushed.
Chia seeds are keto- and paleo-friendly. They are also a great ingredient for wholesome dishes: chia seeds have a mild flavor that doesnt overpower dishes, and the water absorptive properties make them perfect for a fast-and-easy chia seed pudding.
Best uses: Perfect when enjoyed alone or with other ingredients, chia seeds are a great way to boost your daily diet. Mix them with some almond milk to make chia seed pudding, or try a raspberry and chia seed jam!
- 1 pound bulk bag (16 ounces)
- Organic
- Kosher
- Non-Irradiated
- No Pesticides
- No Toxins
- Sustainably Grown
- Botanical name: Salvia hispanica