Flipper Flippers New Adventure

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Flipper/Flipper's New Adventure (DVD) (DBFE) (Multi-Title)

The dolphin named Flipper swam into the world's awareness in this 1963 film about 12-year-old Sandy (Luke Halpin, a star in the 1964-'68 Flipper TV series) and the sea mammal he rescues and befriends. Chuck Connors (TV's The Rifleman) also stars in the two-fins-up tale that includes the fierce landfall of Hurricane Hazel. Halpin returns as Sandy in Flipper's New Adventure, setting out with his finned friend to find a new home after the boy hears plans to place the dolphin in the Miami Seaquarium. Their risky trek takes them to a remote isle and sets the stage for a heroic rescue of a castaway family. Adventure ahoy!