Finding Mr. Right After Several Mr. Wrongs

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Growing up in the Bronx was fun but getting your heart broken by your first love is a feeling you never forget. This book will take you through the relationships I had to go through to finally find my Mr. Right. There were many lessons to learn and lots of tears to cry but whoever said the process of growing up would be pain free. No pain, no gain is a true saying. As much as we may not want to admit it, pain and hurt is a part of growing up and becoming stronger and wiser.“Age is just a number”, now that's a lie. Time teaches us a lot of lessons and alters how we respond and react to the world and others around us. Although it is true that age and wisdom do not grow simultaneously, the relationships in our lives have a great impact on our development. Whether those relationships were good or bad, we must make a conscious decision to learn from them and become better instead of bitter. A relationship with God is key to our successful human growth and development. The first step is discovering and loving yourself and only then can you truly love others.Psalm 139:14 "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well"Every good relationship begins with a good relationship with God and ourselves. Only then can we have healthy relationships with others.