Singer 188K 191D 195K 196K
For JUKI DDL-5550 8500 8700 9000
For SINGER Style Industrial High-Shank, Single-Needle Sewing Machines
Many of the Feet have Factory Code Numbers stamped onto them which may be different than the numbers listed below. In most cases we have included these alternative part numbers in parentheses.
This 25 Piece Presser Foot Set consists of the following:
P813 / 12463H-3/16" Right hinged raising foot for topstitching. Also called "edge feet" This foot is ideal for long, fast and very even topstitching with a solid bottom. (12463RH-3/16)
P814 / 12463H-1/4" Right hinged raising foot for topstitching. Also called "edge feet" This foot is ideal for long, fast and very even topstitching with a solid bottom. (12463RH-1/4)
P811 / 12463H-1/16 Right hinged raising foot for topstitching. Also called "edge feet" This foot is ideal for long, fast and very even topstitching with a solid bottom. (12463RH-1/16)
P812 / 12463H-1/8" Right hinged raising foot for topstitching. Also called "edge feet" This foot is ideal for long, fast and very even topstitching with a solid bottom. (12463RH-1/8)
CR-1/32N Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/32" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Narrow Width foot. (CR 1/32N)
CR-1/16 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/16" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 1/16E)
CR-3/16 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 3/16" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 3/16E)
CR-1/4 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/4" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 1/4"E)
P812 / 12463H-1/8" Right hinged raising foot for topstitching. Also called "edge feet" This foot is ideal for long, fast and very even topstitching with a solid bottom. (12463RH-1/8)
CR-1/32N Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/32" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Narrow Width foot. (CR 1/32N)
CR-1/16 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/16" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 1/16E)
CR-3/16 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 3/16" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 3/16E)
CR-1/4 Compensating Topstitch Foot (Right) gives you a uniform topstitch 1/4" from the edge of your fabric. This is a Regular Width foot. (CR 1/4"E)