Faicuk Pantry Moth Traps with Pheromone Attractant Flat and No Need to Fold 6 Traps

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Why pantry moths in your house even you always keep your kitchen clean enough?

Don't blame yourself ! Pantry moths arrive inside many foods that you bring into your house, your food is their home. Once you see one pantry moth flying around your kitchen, it's time to take some actions on getting rid of all the other pantry moths you haven't seen yet, cause the one you found is not alone. To get rid of them, the most effective way so far is to break their breeding cycle, and the Faicuk Pantry Moth Traps is the perfect solution.

How the Faicuk pantry moth traps work?

With special pheromone attractant mixed in the glue board, males are attracted by the scent and trapped, which prevents them from reaching the female and breeding, and breaks the pantry moth group life cycle.

How to use it?

Just place the trap in areas where dry foods are stored, like kitchens, cupboards, basements and garages.

Using Tips

1.Ensure the trap receives ample air circulation while remaining undisturbed from swinging doors or foot traffic.
2.it may take 2 - 3 days for the pheromone attractant to become active (depends on the weather and air circulation condition), and reach peak performance after around one week.


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