External S Meter Display Meters, Automatic Level Control Voltage SWR Power Receive Display Meter for Yaesu FT-857/FT-897

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Now: $45.06
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Specifications: Weight: 300g Size: 6.7*7*6cm Line length: 37cm Colour: Black Package List: 1 * External S Meter Display Meters for Yaesu FT-857/FT-897 FT-857D& FT-897D external header display setting method:  Receive Display Settings 1. press (FUNC) key to enter the setup menu, enable the extended menu. 2. rotate (SELECT) to call up the setup menu item No-061(MTR ARX SEL). 3. rotate (DIAL) to select an external instrument display: -SIG: the input signal strength display -CTR: Discriminator Center Meter -VLT: battery voltage -N / A: blank -FS: buckle in the instrument 1mA full scale output signal calibration standard external instruments -OFF: Turn off the meter. 4. press (FUNC) button to save the settings and exit the setup menu.   Emission Display Settings   1. press (FUNC) key to enter the setup menu, enable the extended menu. 2. rotate (SELECT) to call up the setup menu item No-061 (MTR ARX SEL). 3. rotate (DIAL) to select an external instrument display: -PWR: transmit power display -ALC: Automatic Level Control voltage display -MOD: Modulation Level Display -SWR: SWR display -VLT: Display Supply Voltage -N / A: blank -OFF: Turn off the meter. Note: The instrument has been calibrated delivery, but do not preclude the bumps transit results in a static pointer is not zero, in this case the instrument can be adjusted at the mask-side self-zeroing screws appear black.