Eucalyptus Globulus 50 Seeds _ Tasmanian Blue Gum Tree Seeds_ Eucalyptus Plant Live Indoor Seeds_ Blue Eucalyptus Seedlings_ Fast Growing Plant

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Other Names: Tasmanian Blue Gum, Southern Blue Gum Growth Rate: Fast (up to 6 feet per year) Family: Myrtaceae Native Range: Australia Bloom Time: Winter Bloom Color: White Sun: Full Sun Fall Color: Evergreen Drought Tolerance: High Water: Light to Moderate Maintenance: Low Site Requirements/ Soil Tolerances: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy Soils. Succeeds in most soils, dislikes chalk. Tolerant of salt and wind making it a useful plant for coastal areas. Neutral to slightly acidic soil. Shelter when young. Culture: Prune in early spring. They are naturally trees, sometimes reaching a great height, but in gardens annual pruning can maintain them as large shrubs, keeping a supply of the juvenile foliage enjoyed by gardeners and flower arrangers. However, for the best bark effects they should be left to grow as trees. Sowing Eucalyptus globulus Seeds: The seeds of Tasmanian Blue Gum are very small. For best results, please follow the instructions in the order provided. Scarify: Soak in water for 24 hours Stratify: None Germination: Surface Sow at 70°F