ESPN X Games- Skateboarding

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Product description ESPN X Games Skateboarding lets gamers compete at the largest action sports event in the world. Drop into the half pipe and pull a heelflip 360 as you soar over the crowd. Or grind rails in the park course where every part of the real X Games courses have been re-created. Master over 40 tricks and signature moves on six action stages, ranging from the streets of L.A. to the deck of a passenger ship! ESPN X Games Skateboarding combines the authentic competition, music and lifestyle of the X Games with the rush of intense skateboarding Ride as one of eight different pro riders, including Bob Burnquist, in ESPN X Games: Skateboarding. To get the gold, you'll have to prove you can master the same courses used in the 2000 ESPN X Games event in San Francisco. You can grind rails, hit ramps, or go for huge air in an amazing re-creation of the half-pipe from the 2000 games. Succeed at these challenges and you'll unlock secret stages, hidden characters, and special skateboards. Before you go for the gold, you may want to test the three action stages set in the streets of New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles, where riders maneuver around cars, grind rails, and stick tricks. Or you can start with the interactive tutorial to learn tricks and combos and get advice from the pros. Should you become bored with reality, you can thrash it out in a series of fantasy rides, choosing from a cruise ship ride, boarding around dinosaur bones in a museum, and more. ESPN X Games: Skateboarding offers a two-player split-screen mode so you can go head-to-head with a friend. And when it comes to choosing your deck, you can ride one of 64 authentic skateboards that can be modified for speed and handling, or sport the equipment and sponsors of your pro rider. High-intensity tunes from such bands as Linkin Park, New Found Glory, Voodoo Glow Skulls, and more cover your ride.