Elderberry Tree 7 Seeds _ Black Elderberry Plant Seeds_ Elderberry Bush Plant Fruit Seeds_ Fresh Plant Black Elderberry_ Shade Trees Fast Growing_ Supports Butterfly and Bird Species

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Elderberry trees don't require special conditions to grow, flower and have fruits. However, when given optimum conditions, they will grow stronger and healthier and yield larger crops. Elderberries prefer rich and moist, but not waterlogged positions, with the soil pH around 5.5 and 6.5, but will tolerate a wide range of soil types, fertility and pH levels. Make a hole some 50 cm (20 inches) wide and deep, add some compost and aged manure, mix with the soil and refill the hole, leaving enough room for elderberry plant and root ball. If there is a danger o wind, stick the pole of suitable length and thickness into the soil. Plant the elderberry into the soil, press the soil firmly, tie the plant to the pole and water thoroughly. Elderberries respond well to fertilizers, however, they have shallow roots and digging in the fertilizers must be done carefully in order to avoid roots damage. Early in the spring add balanced (for example 10-10-10) fertilizer, around 50-60g for each plant's year (up to 2kg of NPK fertilizer) spread evenly under treetop area. Also, add some compost and/or humus and dig in carefully. During summer, if required, add 25-30g of balanced fertilizer for each plant's year.