Elasto-Gel Hot/Cold Therapy Knee Wrap

Was: $116.20
Now: $58.10
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Treat all aspects of the leg from top to bottom shins and calves. Great for all knee injuries, groin, hamstrings, quadriceps, IT band and more. Shaped as a diamond with an open patella hole, the Elasto-Gel Knee Wrap will help with a number of conditions. The wrap is held in place with a hook and loop-type closure, which allow the user to move about during therapy.TheElasto-Gel Therapy Products are designed toprovidemoist heattherapy orsoothing coldtherapyfor relief of minor muscular and joint aches andpains. The hot or cold therapy will last 20 to 40minutes per application. The product ismicrowavable so it can provide nearly continuousheat therapy. When used cold, the product conformsto contours, even at-20F (-30C), allowingcomfortable soothing cold applications.Available in 2 sizes, to comfortably help everyone feel better.If used as a cold therapy wrap, the knee will benefit with a reduction in swelling and inflammation. The appropriate time to use the Elasto-Gel Knee Wrap as crypto therapy is for acute pain like a sprain, strain or immediately after an injury. Specifically designed for the knee. Designed with comfort and precise functionality in mind. It's quick, clean, easy-to use, smart, cost-effective and backed by medical professionals!. Available in 2 sizes, to comfortably help everyone feel better. If used as a cold therapy wrap, the knee will benefit with a reduction in swelling and inflammation. Use after an intense workout will also give benefits of reducing pain and muscle spasms. The wrap will stay cold for 20-40 minutes, giving ample time for cold therapy. However, if used as a hot therapy wrap, the knee and surrounding areas will benefit with increased circulation and reduced soreness or stiffness. Heat therapy would help with reoccurring pain like arthritis, old injuries or even Lupus.. Easy application and simple adjustments.