El Tren De Los Momentos

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Product Description The album includes collaborations with Shakira, Juanes, Calle 13 and Alex Gonzales (Mana) El tren de los momentos was produced and recorded by Alejandro in his studio in his house in Miami, with the special collaboration of recording Engineer Thom Russo (Audioslave, Macy Gray, Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton and Mana) Alejandro Sanz, with 15 Latin Grammy awards and 1 Grammy awards and best selling Spaniard Latin pop artist in Spain's Latin pop music History, awarded with 2000 platinum records, Although this is Sanz's first studio album in 3 years, he has been in the public eye most recently for his collaboration with Shakira in the International hit ''La Tortura. Amazon.com This ambitious, 10-track CD by the Spanish vocalist/composer Alejandro Sanz translates into English as The Train of Moments. Sanz's Andalusian-aired, flamenco-flavored vocals are backed by co-producer Lulo Perez's evocative synth arrangements and urban beats--with the help of Mana drummer, Alex Gonzalez, and Ketama vocalist Antonio Carmona--and other hip collaborations. Sanz teams up with Shakira on the spare, Brazilianized track "Te lo Agradezco, Pero No" and mixes it up with the rap duo Calle 13 and guitarist Juanes on the hip-hop/reggaeton-friendly ode to female seduction "La Peleita." The martial and moody video single "A la Primera Persona" contrasts with the rock-ish "Se Molestan" and the jazz-tinged piano chords on "Donde Convergemos." Sanz has been a pan-Latino powerhouse for over 15 years, and this recording will no doubt solidify and expand his position in that pantheon. --Eugene Holley, Jr.