Dried Ancho Chile Peppers _ Chile Ancho Seco _ from Mexico 7 oz.

Was: $105.68
Now: $52.84
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The ancho is most commonly used lightly toasted and soaked, or just soaked, and then ground smooth with other ingredients for cooked sauces. It can be lightly pickled or rehydrated and stuffed. how to prep:Pull off or cut off the stems and scrape out the seeds. Dried chiles can be crumbled or ground and added right to a dish. Or toast them lightly in a little hot oil in a skillet to intensify their flavor. If pureeing dried chiles for sauce, rehydrate them first by soaking them (toasted or untoasted) in boiing water for a half hour or so. how to store: Dried chiles will keep for months in a cool, dry place, though they may become more brittle over time.