Dr_ Browns Pacidose Pacifier Baby Medicine Dispenser with Oral Syringe Newborn 18 Months

Was: $99.78
Now: $49.89
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Pacidose is a baby medicine syringe with a soft pacifier-like nipple with a tiny tube down the center. The baby medicine is pushed through the pacifier nipple with a standard hospital-grade syringe. The medicine Bypasses the tastebuds and your child gets the whole dose, fuss-free. Invented by a doctor, and used in homes and hospitals. Any standard oral Syringe will attach, meaning you can give 1 ml or 10 ml of medicine to your child. Works great even for kids who don't use pacifiers, because pacidose is more baby-friendly than a hard oral Syringe or cup. To clean: simply flush with fresh water, then flush with a syringe of air.