Douglas A-26 Invader Attack Bomber WW2 Pacific Island War Korea Vietnam old films DVD

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Old Films on the incredible "Douglas A-26 Invader" attack bomber. What an aircraft!!! A concept of a single seat attack bomber, the Douglas Co. first introduced the A-20 Havoc released in 1940 and the A-26 version in 1943. It was very fast. Speeds up to 370 MPH. The A-26 was released in the Europe theater in 1944 and was well received. Mostly used for bombing and strafing runs, it got high praises from Europe pilots. Only 1570 were ever built. 1st Film: "A-26 Flying Tips". This is a 1940s film by the USAAF and was used to teach the best way to fly the A-26 Invader. 17:07 Min 2nd Film: "A-26 Invader Newsreels". 6 newsreels on the Douglas A-26 Invader Medium Bomber. Vary hard to find and interesting to watch. 1. A-26's over Europe. 2. Nazis down A-26. 3.A-26 strikes Korea. 4. Cptn Bill Oden circles earth. 5. A-26 in Cuba.11:05 Min 3rd Film: "Film and Photos of the A-26 Invader". This is a collection of Video and photos of the A-26 Invader put together by us. Here are some vary rare photos and clips from our collection that should be fun to see. 6:29 Min 4th Film; "Winning your Wings". This is a AAF film with Jimmy Stewart Narrating on how you can win your wings in the USAAF during WW2. 18:02 Min's 5th Film; "A-26/B-26 Invader over Vietnam". This is a rare film on the A-26/B-26 invader in Vietnam. The A-26 was so useful the the military, that they flew them into the ground and were so over worked that they just had to be grounded. 7:56 Min's We are a small American family business, (mostly father & son), that collect old films. Our goal is to save old films from the trash heap and digitize them in HD for future generations to enjoy. We hope you'll enjoy our work too.