Double Jeopardy (1999)

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Double Jeopardy (1999) (DVD) The chase is on! Ashley Judd shines in this unstoppable, untoppable box- office smash that co-stars Tommy Lee Jones in his "best perf ormance sin ce The Fugitive."* Judd plays Libby Parsons, who discovers that the husb and she's convicted of murdering staged his own " death" and framed her for the crime. Released on parole, she skips town to find him -- and tha t puts parole officer Travis Lehman (J ones) on her trail. Packed with m ore crowd-pleasing excitement than several movies put together, Double J eopardy delivers "lots of a ction and spine-tingling suspense from start to finish."** *Mick LaSalle, The San Francisco Chronicle **Bill Diehl, ABC Radio Networ k. ]]>