Don Giovanni Tenorio

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Giuseppe Gazzaniga has earned a place in history as one of the forerunners of Rossini and is best known for his one-act Don Giovanni Tenorio (1786), written in the opera buffa mold and one of his most successful works. It is the story of Don Juan, the practical joker who finds the seduction of women the best joke of all. First performed in Venice in 1787, it was well received and was subsequently performed in many major cities of Europe. As an added bonus, the Wexing Lyrical is included. This documentary film sets out to capture some of the ingredients that go to make the Wexford Festival a unique blend of music and fun - a potent cocktail of high art and even higher jinks! The whole town takes on a special character, the music spills over into its many pubs, and its citizens join in with gust.