Divine Baby Jesus (Divino Nino Jesus) Red Devotional Candle

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Prayer to the Divine Baby Jesus

Divine Baby Jesus, we honor your sacred image. Today and forever, we elect you as Lord and Owner of this house. Humbly we implore your protection against any harm or evil. Bless and protect all those that reside here and guide them to divine grace, keeping them from harm and sin. (bless our home). Amen.

Oracion al Divino Nino Jesus

Divino Nino Jesus, honramos tu sagrada imagen. Te elegimos hoy para ser siempre elSenor y Dueno de esta casa. Humildemente pedimos que la protejas de todo mal. Bendice y ptotege los que aqui habitan y guialos por el camino de la gracia divina, guardandolos de perjuicio y pecado. (bendice nuestro hogar). Amen.