Dill Seed Alcohol-Free Liquid Extract Organic Dill Seed -Anethum Graveolens- Dried Seed Glycerite Hawaii Pharm Natural Herbal Supplement 2 oz

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Dill (Anethum Graveolens) is found in the wild in Asia Minor, Egypt, Iran and North India. Anethum Graveolens is an annual herbaceous plant 40-120 cm high. The root is thin, pivotal, unbranched. The stalk is single, straight, branched, with narrow alternating whitish and green longitudinal stripes. Inflorescence is a complex umbrella up to 15 cm in diameter, located on the top of the stem. The flowers are bisexual, small, yellow, composed of five petals. The fruit is ovoid or broadly elliptical, grayish-brown. Dill blooms from June to August, the fruits ripen in August-September.