With this Palme dOrwinning drama, which deftly combines seemingly disparate genres, French filmmaker Jacques Audiard cemented his status as one of the titans of contemporary world cinema. In an arresting performance, the nonprofessional actor Antonythasan Jesuthasan (himself a former child soldier) stars as a Tamil fighter who, along with a woman and child posing as his wife and daughter, flees war-torn Sri Lanka only to land in a Paris suburb riddled with drugs. As the makeshift family embarks on a new life, Dheepan settles into an intimate social-realist mode, before tightening, gradually and organically, into a dynamic turf-war thriller, as well as an unsettling study of the psychological aftereffects of combat. Searing and sensitive, Audiards film is a unique depiction of the refugee experience as a continuous crisis of identity. DIRECTOR-APPROVED BLU-RAY SPECIAL EDITION FEATURES - High-definition digital master, with 5.1 surround DTS-HD Master Audio soundtrack - Audio commentary from 2015 featuring director Jacques Audiard and coscreenwriter Noé Debré - New interview with Audiard - New interview with actor Antonythasan Jesuthasan - Deleted scenes with audio commentary by Audiard and Debré - Trailer - New English subtitle translation - PLUS: An essay by critic Michael Atkinson
Dheepan (The Criterion Collection)
- SKU:
- S220002
- UPC:
- 715515197717
- Condition:
- New
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