DHA SIM for Korea Prepaid 4G LTE Data SIM Card 6 Days 6GB 4G LTE Data Support tethering no Activation Required

Was: $99.88
Now: $49.94
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Following our success in Nippon SIM for Japan series, DHA Corporation Co. Ltd, a Japanese MVNO company (registration number A-30-16419) launched the DHA SIM series for Japanese going to overseas with cooperation with overseas carriers. The series covers the below products for sales in Japan and selected products will be sold in overseas market: 1) DHA SIM for China (and Hong Kong) 2) DHA SIM for Taiwan 3) DHA SIM for Korea 4) DHA SIM for Asia 5) DHA SIM for Europe 6) DHA SIM for USA 7) DHA SIM for USA/Canada/Mexico We thank you for the opportunity to consider using our products when you travel!