Davids Garden Seeds Herb Basil Pesto Italian Large Leaf 9446 -Green- 200 Non-GMO Heirloom Seeds

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Now: $39.80
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Classic large leaf type. Large plant with medium-dark green leaves up to 4" long. Compared to Genovese, the scent and taste are sweeter. Ht. 24-30". Fragrant, flavorful, extra-large leaves are the very favorites of the culinary world! This is a Genovese basil, rich in oils and so aromatic you will smell it long before you see it in the garden! Whether you use it for pesto, spaghetti sauce, or simply as a companion to your tomato plants (basil is a superb pest repellant), choose Large-leaf Italian as your "go-to" mainstay basil for big, satisfying harvests all summer long. Basils are loaded with volatile oils, responsible for the heady aroma and strong flavor so essential to cooking. Large-Leaf Italian basil is regarded as the essential variety for true Neapolitan cuisine, especially pesto. And in the garden, basil works to repel aphids, mites, and hornworms. Expect this Genovese-type basil to grow 18 to 24 inches high and 12 to 15 inches wide. The dark green, shiny leaves grow up to 3 inches long on a tall, erect plant that is slow to bolt. Small terminal bunches of pink flowers will bud out in summer; pinch the new buds away if you want to harvest more of the leaves! David’s Garden Seeds is a Veteran owned business that has been offering quality seeds since 2009.