Cymbidium Imperial Orchid Mix - Mini Bag 2 Quarts

Was: $93.80
Now: $46.90
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Cymbidium Imperial Orchid Mix is made with: Small Orchiata Monterey Bark Coir Medium Redwood Bark Turface Small Tree Fern Fiber Rice Hulls RePotme Imperial Cymbidium Orchid Mix is hand made with extraordinary ingredients. Imperial Orchid Mix Cymbidium Orchid Mix is specially made for Cymbidiums. These terrestrial orchids like a free draining mix that is slightly acidic. This is a mix that holds moisture while being very open and airy. This mix will work well for other orchids such as Zygopetalums, Aganax, and Zygonisia as well. Note: In general, one quart of potting mix fills a six inch wide pot, two four inch pots, or half of an eight inch pot with no plant in it.