Custom Variety Pack Bold Coffee Single Serve Cups for Keurig K Cup Brewers Sampler, 40 Count

Was: $165.88
Now: $82.94
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Barista Organica Espresso Sombre Coffee, Barista Prima Italian Roast, Barrie House Espresso Roast, Barrie House House Blend Extra Bold, Caffe Bonini Italian Roast, Caffe Bonini Sumatra, Coffee People Jet Fuel, Copper Moon Dark Sky, Copper Moon French roast, Copper Moon Sumatra, Diedrich French Roast, Diedrich Rio Blend, Double Donut Bold Blend, Double Donut Espresso Roast, Double Donut French Roast, Double Donut Italian Roast, Eight O Clock Dark Italian Roast, EkoCups Bold, EkoCups Dark, EkoCups Espresso Roast, EkoCups Ethiopian, EkoCups Sumatran,Emeril's Big Easy Bold, Entenmann's Dark Roast, Green Mountain Dark Magic, Green Mountain Double Black Diamond, Hell's Kitchen Hell's Roast, Manatee Island dark, Marley Buffalo Soldier, Martinsons Dark Roast, Martinsons French Roast, Skinny Girl Americano, National Geographic Rain Forest Blend, Newman 's Original, Rio Grande Roasters Premium Dark, Rio Grande Roasters Superemo Espresso, Tullys Italian Roast, Twin Ridge French Roast, Victor Allen's Coffee French Roast Blend, Wolfgang Pack Go Bold