Cuckoo Luckoo Licorice Allsorts 3 lb Bag in a BlackTie Box

Was: $117.78
Now: $58.89
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About This BlackTie Box: Introducing the BlackTie Box by Black Tie Mercantile, the first and only gift-ready packaging system designed for the unique challenges of E-Commerce. Whether you choose to ship directly to a recipient or to yourself, your item is guaranteed to arrive exactly as described and photographed. According to candy lore, Licorice Allsorts were stumbled upon in 1899 by Charlie Thompson, a sales representative, who allegedly dropped a sample tray he was showing to a client in Leicester, mixing up the various sweets. Now get a BlackTie Box for any occasion featuring one 3 lb bag of Cuckoo Luckoo Licorice Allsorts.