Comfort Lined Grazing Muzzle Horse Heavy Duty Waffle Neoprene Lining

Was: $83.88
Now: $41.94
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Our grazing muzzles are not only comfortable, but very easy to use and they could save your horse’s life. Used properly, the grazing muzzle will reduce the risk of laminitis from overindulging/over eating on rich pasture grass, or at least help keep your horse healthier by limiting caloric intake. Also helps with the horse that likes to bite! Note: The waffle basket is lined for extra comfort too Your horse can breathe and drink normally and only be able to consume the blades of grass that poke through the neoprene nose of the muzzle and waffle basket. The comfort design of our muzzles include lining of the waffle basket and the adjustable neck strap. The Nose is made of heavy duty neoprene and the waffle basket of heavy weight nylon. Pony (small) Arab/Cob/Small Quarter horse (medium) Horse (large)