COBI World of Tanks KV-2 Tank

Was: $120.74
Now: $60.37
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The KV-2 was a Soviet heavy tank from world War II.  It had a crew of 6 soldiers.  The vehicle was characterized by frequent failures and was very heavy and slow.  These deficiencies were made up for though by the powerful 152 mm cannon which was able to destroy any enemy tank regardless of the thickness of its armour the KV-2 was also heavily armoured.  In fact, it could only be destroyed by a direct hit from the 8. 8 cm flak anti-aircraft gun. This new construction block model from COBI is the perfect gift for all world of tanks fans as well as collectors and military enthusiasts. It is also a great toy for every child thanks to numerous movable parts such as the barrel, rotating tower, opening hatches and rotating caterpillars and wheels. Thanks to the compact design and the fact that the chassis is extremely solid, the tank survives even the most intense fun.