Coast Live Oak Medium Tree Seedling The Jonsteen Company

Was: $115.88
Now: $57.94
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Coast Live Oak ( Quercus agrifolia), also called California Live Oak, is a small- to medium-sized evergreen occurring west of the Sierra Nevada, growing along the Coast Ranges from Mendocino County to Baja California. Living for up to 250 years and reaching heights between 30 – 80 feet tall with diameters 1 – 3 feet wide, Coast Live Oak is characterized by its short trunk and large, gnarled limbs that spread upward into a dense and broadly rounded canopy. Leaves typically measure 1 – 3 inches long, are oval in shape, dark green in color, leathery in texture, and spiny-toothed. Acorns, known to have been harvested by at least 12 different Native American peoples, are egg-shaped and between 2 – 4 centimeters long. A shade-tolerant tree that thrives in well-draining soil along the Pacific Coast, Coast Live Oak is a great oak for those living in a milder, coastal climate. About Jonsteen's Seedlings: All of our trees are seed-grown — without poison or pesticides — at our nursery on California's Redwood Coast, which is inspected monthly and licensed by the California Department of Agriculture. About Jonsteen's 100% Guarantee: All of our trees are guaranteed to arrive healthy and in good condition. If your tree perishes, we will replace it with a small-sized seedling for just the cost of shipping/handling ($4.60). We encourage all customers experiencing difficulties growing their trees to contact us through our toll-free "Tree Help Line" (1-888-387-3379).