Click and Grow Smart Garden Yellow Tomato Plant Pods, 3-Pack

Was: $75.80
Now: $37.90
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Yellow Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum)

Yellow tomatoes are golden-yellow slicer tomatoes, characterized by their meaty texture. Yellow tomatoes are a good source of Vitamin A, calcium, iron, sulfur, potassium and lycopene, an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system. By adding homegrown fresh mini tomatoes in your salads, cocktails and sandwiches, you're already winning the health game!

You can speed up the germination process by raising the temperature to 79F (26C). If multiple seeds germinate in each pod, leave one seedling to grow per plant pod to ensure enough space and nutrients for the plant to grow. Tomatoes love warmth and hate sudden temperature changes e.g. cool breeze. They grow well, however, in hot climates and at temperatures such as 86F (30C). Do not cut or prune your Mini Tomato plant before fruiting - it will form flowers and fruits at the top of the plant. Once your plant is flowering, it's little yellow flowers need to be pollinated by hand to produce fruit. Do this by gently shaking your plant to carry pollen from one blossom to the next.