CHUXAY GARDEN White Green Aloe Vera Plant Seed 120 Seeds Adding a Decorative Appeal High Yield Flourishing Makes Great Edging

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Aloe vera, commonly called medicinal aloe, is a stoloniferous, stemless, tropical perennial that grows upright with stiff rosettes of succulent leaves. Common name is in reference to the folk medicine history of this plant which goes back to the pre-Christian era. Lance-shaped green leaves (to 18” long) are spotted white and armed with whitish marginal teeth. Leaves mature to gray-green. Plants may grow to as much as 3’ tall. Flowering occurs only on mature plants, typically in summer. On container plants, flowering will only occur on plants grown in optimum conditions (e.g., sunny windows or sunny outdoor locations). Yellow flowers in racemes bloom atop erect stalks rising to as much as 3’ tall. Medicinal aloe is noted for the healing and cosmetic properties attributed to its sap. The sap is added to a large number of commercial cosmetics, particularly lotions and creams. Sap is noted for its ability to moisten dry skin. Sap from a broken leaf may be applied directly to burns on the skin for relief. Sap should not be eaten, but has been used in the past for treating peptic ulcers. The sap also reportedly has strong laxative properties. Medicinal aloe is also commonly called burn plant or burn aloe.