CHUXAY GARDEN Nyctanthes Arbor-tristis-Parijat,Night-Flowering Jasmine 65 Seeds Native to South Asia Hardy Small Shrub Striking Landscaping Plant

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Night blooming jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) fills the night air with an almost intoxicating floral fragrance. Grown in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, night blooming jasmine features small, star-shaped flowers and vine-like stems. These plants grow in clumps up to 12 feet wide and 12 feet tall with support. The jasmine will die back in freezing temperatures, but return in spring in USDA zones 8 and 9. Night blooming jasmine is considered highly invasive in some areas, so you might want to plant it in containers or prune it frequently to control its size.