China and Hong Kong 8 Days Data SIM (Unlimited Data Usage)

Was: $55.54
Now: $27.77
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It provides 4G network mobile data service in Mainland China and Hong Kong 8 days unlimited data usage (Once your data usage in Mainland China and Hong Kong reaches 2GB Fair Usage level, the upload/download speed would be reduced and restricted (but not below 128kbps) and tethering and Peer to Peer services would not be available). Due to limited space, the service charge, Fair Usage Policy, Terms and Conditions cannot be fully listed, please visit Within 30 days after the expiry of the validity period, the SIM card can be recharge/top up to renew data package subscription, please refer the instruction card for details. Please keep the outer part of the SIM card for inquiries.
Once inserted into the mobile device, the SIM will be activated. You can activate the SIM in Hong Kong and Mainland The SIM is valid for 8 days upon activation For internet settings, please refer to the instructions on the packaging Please retain the outer part of the SIM card for recharge and inquiry