In this deliciously dark comedic thriller, a trio of crooks relentlessly pursue a young American, played by Audrey Hepburn (Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffanys), outfitted in gorgeous Givenchy, through Paris in an attempt to recover the fortune her dead husband stole from them. The only person she can trust is a suave, mysterious stranger, played by Cary Grant (Bringing up Baby, North by Northwest). Director Stanley Donen (On the Town, Singin in the Rain, Two for the Road) goes splendidly Hitchcockian for CHARADE, a glittering emblem of sixties style and macabre wit.
Charade -The Criterion Collection- -Blu-ray-
- SKU:
- ZC284438
- UPC:
- 715515061711
- Condition:
- New
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