CERAKOTE Ceramic Trim Coat Kit - Quick Plastic Trim Restorer - Guaranteed Restoration to Last Over 200 Washes – A Ceramic Coating Not a Dressing

Was: $67.80
Now: $33.90
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Unlike the Automotive Trim "dressings" you've used before that easily wash off, Cerakote Trim Coat is a ceramic coating that restores unpainted plastic trim to its original glory and then LASTS for 200 washes or more - looking darn near as good on the 200th wash as it did on the first. Cerakote Trim Coat trim restorer is a durable ceramic coating which bonds to the pores of unpainted plastic trim - restoring trim to its original appearance. But it doesn't stop there, once applied, it cures to form a ceramic layer of protection. We're so confident in our Cerakote Ceramic Trim Coat technology that we guarantee it to last for at least 200 washes.