Cedar Home Pantry Moth Traps 8-Pack with Pheromones | Pantry Moth Killer | Long Lasting Safe Non-Toxic and No Insecticides | Sticky Glue Pheromone Trap for Kitchen Pantry Moths | U.S.A. Seller

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Now: $44.94
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Cedar Home Pheromone Pantry Moth Traps 8 Pack. Pantry moths are genuine pests and are often carriers of harmful bacteria. These moths are smuggled into your home inside bags of dried goods like cereal, grains, flours, beans, dried animal food, and birdseed. The most common kitchen moth culprit is the Indian Meal Moth and infestations can be an overwhelming problem. Cedar Home Pantry Pantry Moth Traps work while you sleep and provide a killer solution to an annoying and often complex problem. Unlike moth balls, these pantry moth traps are ready to use and truly effect. They come ready to use and designed specifically to target grain-loving moths that infest flour, pasta, nuts, dry dog food and cat food and other pantry goods. Using pheromones, these moth traps attract adult male moths before they invade your food, trapping them with an extra sticky surface and prevents moths from multiplying.